Short Stories
The Hope Prize
The Hope Prize is a writing competition run by The Brotherhood of St Laurence to raise awareness about poverty and disadvantage in our community. The inaugural competition in 2016 received over 1,000 entries and the judging panel comprised Kate Grenville, Cate Blanchett and Quentin Bryce with the early rounds judged by senior editors at Simon & Schuster and Readings Bookstore.
Heidi's story, The Extra Piece, was one of ten entries selected for publication in 'Hope: An Anthology'.
Romance Writers of Australia's Little Gems
Little Gems is a short story competition run by Romance Writers of Australia. Each year a different gemstone is selected and entrants are asked to use the gem as the theme for their story. The top entries are published as an anthology. Heidi was thrilled to be a finalist four years in a row.